
Monday, December 6, 2021

Quick write

 As the darkness cover the sky 3 men went out to go find the beast that hid in the Shadows. Legends were told about the beast the men were brave so the packed there bag said goodbye to there family's and left. they look everywhere for the beast but could not find it. the first man said they sound split up so the can cover more ground the other two men agreed with the idea. but little did they know that was the worse mistake of there life the first man went away he saw this abandon shipwreck he tied the a rope to the other boat he went bellow deck than but up two get back into his boat but his boat was gone when he turned around crying he saw the monster the monster said this is what happens when you lie.  the second man went the same directory two go tell him the that they found nothing he didn't see the first guy .


 I decided to do music with our teacher Nigel the other options were visual art, Dance and sign language .  I chose music because i play the drums and I'm pretty good at the drums but I decided to play the maracas because i want to try something new . i made the first beat. the first we did just one Beats went 1111 the next beats were 1121 2212 1221. for the next lesson we did 4 different beats I do not remember all of them but we wrote it on a sheet I do not have the sheet so i can not till you what they are. in my group i had Jacob Tyson aria and me Angus . we spilt up the work i will do one line and they would do the other 3 lines . for the next lesson Nigel did all of the groups work an made it in a beat. it went like 2221 4x 1212 4x 1221 4x 1121 4x . our group did a petty good job of staying in time with the maracas. the other instruments were drums, triangle, Tambourine and this wooden instrument I forgot the name of it.  

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


As they dash off a glimmer of stripes could be seen among the Horses . As the Horses run of the zebra saw something in the distance he stop to look at it for a moment than he stared to run again. All the  Horses were thirsty so they stop at a river. He went for a big drink and than he look up and saw something in the  distance it was the same thing. He look at for longer but just when he stop look at it all the were running from something he did not know what it was but he realised it was hunters he was so sacred than  he trip and knock him self out. When he woke up in in a cage than he was toking to a zoo he was wondering why he was not kill because he saw a dead zebra head on the wall.

Monday, November 8, 2021


 For my Inquiry me and my buddy Archie have been working on Planets. We chose planets because they're very interesting and I thought it will be a fun thing to work on because I like rocks and planets are like big Rocks. the planet.

3 Interesting things that I have learnt

  • Uranus actually has rings but they're only a few km thick.
  •  Venus is hotter than mercury even though Mercury is closer to the sun. 
  • Uranus is the smallest gas giant. here are some pictures.
About my model

Originally I was going to make a model  in a box but then I thought it would be quite fun to do it so you could see every side in the Planet. Nigel our inquiry teacher showed us that one skewer wouldn't be enough to support the big Planets like the sun Jupiter and Saturn so we taped 3 together. My research


 For my Monday mashup I chose speak French out of art ,Maori and gardening.On the first lesson we learn how to say words like bonsoir which means good evening, Bon nuit mean goodnight, commet t'appelle tu means what is your name, to reply you say je m'appelle then your name. 

We made fortune tellers that are French you weren't choose a number then you would choose a word than say it in French. for the second lesson we did snap in French you would have to match the same picture as the word and if they were a mach you would snap. i got about 2 points. if it was the same like ca va mal and a angry face you slap the pile as fast as you can. it was a holiday on the 3rd lesson 

on the 4th lesson which is the lesson I'm writing this blog post.We did a sheet which gives you the hint and the French word than you would try get as many as you could here is a picture


Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021

game controller

     for rise team we were doing makey makey we had to test thing if the were conductive or not . humans are conductive because we ave water in our body metal is conductive but some metal is not . me and my buddy Josaiah test old wires and there not conductive because rubier was over the wires and rubier is not conductive. after were done testing we had to design a controller and we made a skull with horns for the handles and we used the makey makey and Play-Doh i hooked up the makey makey and all the wires . when the controller was done we play pacman 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Thursday, September 2, 2021

leopard seal

 On the 30th of august we went for a walk down to the beach and saw the leopard seal. It looked fluffy on one side and skin on the other and its face was kind of mossy. It looked sad back there was a sign that said they look sad most of the time . People had put sticks around it so kids and dogs stayed away because in the Antarctic a researcher was snorkeling and got killed by a leopard seal. It is super unlikely for a leopard seal to bite a human unless the human disturbs it a lot . it has been estimated that 200,000 leopard seal living in the wild . the Female leopard seal  2.9 to 3.6 m 8.45 to 11.7 ft males are 3.8 m 12.4 ft.

Monday, August 16, 2021

term 2 reflection

my two favourite moments were getting  my player of the day for be a good goalie the second was bridle path walk . The biggest challenge was doing the bridle path walk the road was more steep then entire walk . i am proud of doing my maths are really high level.  i am proud of making a musket for inquiry i did it with my friend Archie it was easy .

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

the layers of the Earth


 INNER COREScientists think that the inner core is solid and mainly made of iron. Iron is very hard that’s why knights used it to make their armour.
OUTER CORE The outer core is also mostly iron but this layer is liquid iron.
MANTLE The next layer is called the mantle. It is made of rock. It is very hot in this part of the Earth, causing the rock to behave a little bit like a liquid and a solid.
CRUST The crust is the part of the Earth that we walk on. Compared to the other layers, it is quite thin and breakable. You can think of the crust of the Earth as being a bit like the crust of a pie
Tectonic platesScientists think that the crust of the Earth is made up of six large tectonic plates and a few smaller ones. These plates fit together like puzzle pieces and float on the partially molten mantle.

Friday, August 6, 2021


 I have been learning about measurement for maths our teacher Nigel gave us a slideshow to fill out here are my answers


Thursday, July 29, 2021


For maths we have been learning about mass, capacity and temperature 

I have learnt:


  • The average body temperature is 31°c But your body is 60% water.
  • There is two names for Celsius it is also called centigrade.
  • Fahrenheit is more popular then Celsius.

  • 1 measuring container full of sand weighs 1 kg the same measuring container filled with water weighs the same.

  • 1000 millilitres and 1 litre are the same
  • if your cup is 500 ml the  maxamin is 500ml.

  • the mass of African  bush elephant 6000kg
  • the average for a human weight is 100 kg
  • my 16 year old cat is 2kg

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

 Last Tuesday we went to the Bridle path in Lyttelton. We went because we had to    see what it was like when we got of the bus we walked up this road it was probably steeper than the whole walk up the hill it was about 60 degrees. when we got to the Bridle path track Paul the at the front stopped so everyone to catch up i got to the front when i got i stay there the whole time

Friday, July 9, 2021



  • Diseases

  • killing people

  • War

  • Steal land from the Maori

It was a bad idea to make some of the Europeans that come to New Zealand because they will bring these diseases like the flu, yellow fever, cholera, malaria and typhus . The Polynesians brought measles, influenza, typhoid fever.

The European from the Maori and also destroyed 90% of the Wetlands. Traded guns for land which was not fair because Maori sold land for bad prices because they did not know how much a gun was worth. So they gave a lot of land for one gun after the Maori figured out they started a war and a lot of people died.

Monday, June 14, 2021


 i went to  ferry mead I did some old fashion craft candle making with hot wax you  string in the hot wax and pull out wait for a second then put it back in until it gets big enough  we also made optical illusions of string we will get a double-sided piece of circle cardboard put two holes in it and one side had a fish and one had a fish tank so when you spin it  you see the fish in the fish tank  basic knot we would do basic when you did the knot there was instructions on a piece of cardboard 

we have to pack the truck we put soap cloths plate  candle makers silver wear  

we did something called the v hunt we had to do chores I polish shoes scrub the deck and did ironing when I was ironing someone never ironed with a metal iron and touch the bottom.

we got a job I was a banker I had kids names Robbie and a wife named Janet 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

questions about kupe

  1. Look these words up in a dictionary and tell us what they mean:

  • Calabash any of various hard-shelled gourds, or the vine that bears such a gourd.

  • Tempt to entice or try to entice (someone) to do something unwise or wrong, as by promising pleasure or reward.

  • Incantation the words or sounds that are uttered or chanted as part of a magical ritual or spell, or the act of uttering such words or sounds.

  • mere (Māori dictionary)

  1. This dictionary also tells you the synonyms of the word. (A synonym is a different word that has the same meaning). What are the synonyms for these words? Note: Sometimes words have more than one meaning! Look at the sentence it is used in and pick the meaning that makes more sense)

  • wily (But wily Te Wheke slipped out of his cage during the night and escaped.)

  • splintered (Wood splintered in his grip.)

  • shudder (With a tremendous shudder, Te Wheke fell limp.)

  • grim (His face was grim.)

  • mimicked ("Fine," mimicked Muturangi,)

  1. Which parts of the story seem to be true? The octopus was eating the bait

  1. Which parts of the story probably didn't happen in real life? When he was talking to the octopus

  1. Describe Kupe in a few words. Brave

  1. Describe Muturangi in a few words. selfish

  1. How does this story try to explain how Kupe discovered New Zealand? he was trying to kill an octopus

  1. How could Kupe and Muturangi have solved their disagreement about Te Wheke?tell the octopus not to eat the bait


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

poster of Scotland

 Scotland as my favourite place because my dad grew up there and I really like the food there and it's a place was really nice whiskey Im told . the traditional animal is the Unicorn 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Monday, March 8, 2021

lunchtime swimming

 for lunchtime swimming it was free siwn were you can do anything in the pool i play around with my friend and you can also go to play outside pool i went to the pool and the break is 30 minutes and i got 10 minutes for some reason . 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

swimming sports

 today was the swimming sports i was doing year 5 two lane front stroke i came 3rd place i stared in the pool because i can not dive in to the pool well i can but i to scared i mess up because i do not have the confidence to do it. the teachers that were hosting swimming sports had a race but i could not see because i was doing a drum lesson  

Monday, March 1, 2021

Monday mahsup

 for Monday mashup i did gardening again but i touched poison with no gloves so i didn't my face Jed and Archer my friends  also touched poison they can not touch there face . i will not touch some thing that looks like blue berries and has a white flower on top of the bush .

Monday, February 15, 2021