
Tuesday, November 30, 2021


As they dash off a glimmer of stripes could be seen among the Horses . As the Horses run of the zebra saw something in the distance he stop to look at it for a moment than he stared to run again. All the  Horses were thirsty so they stop at a river. He went for a big drink and than he look up and saw something in the  distance it was the same thing. He look at for longer but just when he stop look at it all the were running from something he did not know what it was but he realised it was hunters he was so sacred than  he trip and knock him self out. When he woke up in in a cage than he was toking to a zoo he was wondering why he was not kill because he saw a dead zebra head on the wall.

Monday, November 8, 2021


 For my Inquiry me and my buddy Archie have been working on Planets. We chose planets because they're very interesting and I thought it will be a fun thing to work on because I like rocks and planets are like big Rocks. the planet.

3 Interesting things that I have learnt

  • Uranus actually has rings but they're only a few km thick.
  •  Venus is hotter than mercury even though Mercury is closer to the sun. 
  • Uranus is the smallest gas giant. here are some pictures.
About my model

Originally I was going to make a model  in a box but then I thought it would be quite fun to do it so you could see every side in the Planet. Nigel our inquiry teacher showed us that one skewer wouldn't be enough to support the big Planets like the sun Jupiter and Saturn so we taped 3 together. My research


 For my Monday mashup I chose speak French out of art ,Maori and gardening.On the first lesson we learn how to say words like bonsoir which means good evening, Bon nuit mean goodnight, commet t'appelle tu means what is your name, to reply you say je m'appelle then your name. 

We made fortune tellers that are French you weren't choose a number then you would choose a word than say it in French. for the second lesson we did snap in French you would have to match the same picture as the word and if they were a mach you would snap. i got about 2 points. if it was the same like ca va mal and a angry face you slap the pile as fast as you can. it was a holiday on the 3rd lesson 

on the 4th lesson which is the lesson I'm writing this blog post.We did a sheet which gives you the hint and the French word than you would try get as many as you could here is a picture